Download Student Submissions from an Online Course Assignment
In addition to viewing student submissions to assignments individually from within your online course, you can download all submissions to a particular assignment as a zip file. This can be helpful if you wish to print submissions, or view them in a separate window while grading. You can download all submissions or selected submissions.
Download All Submissions
This downloads all submitted files.
Note: If you have annotated PDF submissions within online course using the PDF editor within your online course, annotations will not be included in downloaded PDFs. To download annotated PDFs, see Download All Anotated PDFs (below).
- On your course page, click the name of the assignment activity. The Assignment page opens and displays the description of the assignment and a summary of submissions.
- Below the summary, click View/grade all submissions. The Submissions page will open.
- Above the table of submissions (upper left), click Choose and select Download all submissions from the drop-down menu.
Submissions will automatically download to your computer as a .zip archive.
- The .zip file will download according to your browser and computer settings. Locate and unzip the .zip file.
- All files will automatically be renamed with students' names prepended.
- For online text submissions, you will receive an .html page for each student's online text submission. You can open this in a browser or in a word processing application such as MS Word.
- For file submissions, you will receive the file type submitted by the student.
Download Selected Submissions
Instead of downloading all student submissions, you can choose to download selected student submissions to a .zip file.
- On your course page, click the name of the assignment activity. The Assignmentpage opens and displays the description of the assignment and a summary of submissions.
- Below the summary, click View/grade all submissions. The Submissions page will open.
- For each submission you would like to download, click the checkbox to the left of the student name.
- Below the table of submissions, for With selected... click Choose and select Download selected from the drop-down menu.
Optional: By default, submissions may be downloaded in folders. Each submission is put in a separate folder, with the folder structure kept for any subfolders, and files are not renamed. To disable this, unselect Download submissions in folders
- Click Go. This will generate a prompt asking you to confirm that you want to download selected submissions.
On the prompt, click Ok. This will begin the download.
- The .zip file will download according to your browser and computer settings. Locate and unzip the .zip file.
- All files will automatically be renamed with students' names prepended.
- For online text submissions, you will receive an .html page for each student's online text submission. You can open this in a browser or in a word processing application such as MS Word.
- For file submissions, you will receive the file type submitted by the student.